Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ugh - the time difference...

I know that it seems so obvious but until you've actually attempted to get something done on the other side of the world, you probably haven't given much thought about just how frustrating a 13 hour time difference actually is.

Think about it... when it's 10pm here, it's 9am there... when it's midday in Perth, it's 11 at night in Florida. There is not one window of time that is convenient for both parties. Therefore, every email is more like traditional post.... It certainly slows down the process and, let's face it, I'm not really the world's most patient person.

The biggest struggle is that I keep thinking I have a finite time to complete the transaction. I need to relax and go with the flow a bit here, otherwise I could make some costly mistakes. At the end of the day, I've got to remind myself that it will take as long as it takes.


  1. dude(or should i say chica?) your blog is cool.You sound like a female version of me! Dont be afraid that means your very awsome ;) Hope its all going well. Im from Perth and im on the same track as you!

    Best of luck


  2. Good luck with it Reeco - I hope you get yourself onto a winner!
